The Silverbacks

We are incredibly lucky to have an amazing team of dedicated and hardworking staff at Ape Action Africa, and two things unite them all - a passion for primate conservation and a great love of football.

At the end of last year, documentary maker James Baines spent two weeks filming at the sanctuary in Cameroon, capturing footage of our team at work and on the field.

Many thanks to James for travelling to Cameroon to give this unique insight into life in the forest at Ape Action Africa. You can see more of James' work here.

We'd also like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to PARK Social Soccer Co. for their donations of footballs and gloves for The Silverbacks. The new equipment is greatly appreciated by all. 

And finally, in case you are wondering, we won the Christmas football match by three goals to two!!

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Coronavirus crisis: The current global pandemic is having a major impact on our income. If you are able  to support our work through this very challenging time, please consider setting up a small monthly donation. Thank you.


A cup of tea with Rachel (part 5)


Mbailassem and his new playmates