Still caring

Our work providing sanctuary for our rescued gorillas, chimpanzees and monkeys continues in Cameroon, and we’re doing everything we can to keep our orphans safe and healthy during the COVID-19 crisis.

It’s by no means ‘business as usual’ – we’re closed to visitors, our volunteer programme and our education and community projects are on hold, fundraising events have been postponed, our staff are living permanently on-site, we have enhanced health protocols in place, and we’re facing the challenge of finding funding to cover rising costs. But we’re still caring, and everyday life for our rescued apes and monkeys remains largely unchanged.

We’ve been very touched by the actions that our community of supporters have been taking to help us during such challenging and uncertain times for everyone. You’ve been donating, adopting, and cheering us on, and we’d like to say a huge thank you for showing us that you're still caring too.

Donating, even if it’s just £3, is a really important way to keep helping us, and every contribution makes a very real difference. But we know that for many this simply isn’t an option, especially now. So, if you’d like to show us your support, but can’t afford to give financially, here are four suggestions for things that you can do for us and for primates during the coronavirus pandemic and beyond.

Connect with us!

Whenever we share our stories from the forest, we love receiving your words of encouragement and support, so please leave comments on our social media posts or send us a message that we can pass on to our dedicated team in the forest.

Act for primates!

Though we’re all experiencing restrictions, our everyday choices can still have an impact on deforestation and on the future of endangered gorillas, chimpanzees and monkeys. If you’re buying products that contain palm oil, for example, check that this comes from a certified sustainable source. And if you find old electrical equipment while sorting through your cupboards, put it aside to recycle once lockdown is lifted. Both of these actions will help to protect primate habitats.

Raise funds!

We understand that it’s a difficult time for everyone, but if your friends and family are in a position to give, you can set up a fundraiser to help us meet rising food and equipment costs in Cameroon. You could host a virtual dinner party or organise an online quiz and ask people to make a small donation to take part. Or why not set yourself a home fitness challenge and ask for sponsorship? (Get in touch if you’d like help setting up a fundraising page.)

Educate people about primate conservation!

Raising awareness of primates and the threats that they face in the wild is vital. We can’t carry out our education and community projects in Cameroon at the moment, but by sharing our stories and talking to your friends about our work, you can help to secure a future for these incredible animals.

Whichever way you choose to help us, thank you again for compassion and support. Stay safe, stay sane and keep caring!


Toshie update


A cup of tea with Rachel