Nkan Daniel

According to journalist James Astill, this tiny gorilla baby was "certain to die" after his mother was shot and killed. Instead, he found his way to Ape Action Africa and defied the odds by growing into a magnificent silverback.

James featured 2-week old Nkan Daniel as part of an investigative piece into Cameroon’s illegal bushmeat trade in 2001, and described what he saw in the home of the baby’s ‘owner’. “[Solange] usually smuggles gold and bushmeat up to Yaounde from the Democratic Republic of Congo. But now, she jokes, she has moved into babies. Her two-week-old gorilla purchase is sighing and murmuring in its sleep, stretching out its arms with clenched fists. Then Solange reaches into its box to cradle it, it goes rigid - and begins screaming in terror."

The next day the baby was confiscated by the authorities, and placed in the arms of our Director Rachel Hogan – then a young volunteer, starting her 3-month placement with us. From that moment on, Rachel dedicated herself 24-hours a day to the care of Nkan Daniel and he not only survived but thrived, growing into a handsome silverback!

This year only you can help to care for Nkan Daniel by purchasing our silver jubilee special silverback adoption pack. For just £40 you'll receive Nkan Daniel's photo and biography, a certificate of adoption, an annual update AND his life-size hand and footprints!


Meet our latest gorilla rescue, Mbailasem


Happy world kindness day